Organization Information
(If you are Test Driving the survey, only the organization name is necessary.)
Name Describe this organization
E-mailKeywords - What words identify you?
Web Site
Representative Information
How do we contact you if we have questions?

Non-renewable Energy and Resources
Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 2)
Purchase appliances and heating/cooling equipment that is significantly more energy efficient than the norm (eg. Energy Star).
Conduct an energy audit on your facilities and implement cost-effective solutions (or get landlord to do it).
Implement strategies to reduce miles traveled or fuel used per person or load (eg, carpooling, telework, backhauling, hybrid vehicles, logistics).
Use metals and minerals that are from responsible sources (eg, avoiding conflict zones).

Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 3)
Use all green cleaning products and non-antibacterial soaps.
Use benign methods to manage pests and use synthetic pesticides only as a last resort.
Safely dispose of or recycle electronics, batteries, and motor oil.
If you deal with hazardous materials, have an effective hazmat and safety program in place.

Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 4)
Install/use low flow fixtures and efficient irrigation.
Assess your water use and implement cost-saving measures.
Research sustainability-related certifications for products you buy and choose certified products whenever you can (eg, paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, fish certified by the Marine Stewardship Council or the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, or electronics certified by the Green Electronics Council). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Give preference to durable, reusable, and repairable items, avoiding single-use products.
Change all outdoor lighting to be in compliance with International Dark-Sky Association guidelines and local regulations. (eg, replacing/removing lighting, directing the focus, changing the color spectrum, or adding controls like timers).
Recycle paper, cans, and glass through a service that has at least an 80% recovery rate.

Human Needs
Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 3)
Provide health benefits, paid vacation and personal time for all employees working more than 29 hrs/week avg. (Check this box if self-employed, with health coverage, and no employees.)
Do employee satisfaction survey at least every 3 years to identify areas of concern and take action to address them. (Check this box if self-employed with no employees.)
Encourage all employees to build their skills and knowledge (eg, through training, tuition reimbursements, special assignments and career advancement.)
Encourage work/life balance (eg, by offering wellness and fitness behaviors, counseling, and flexibility to deal with personal emergencies and child/elder care.)
Research labeling that protects the interests of workers and communities in your supply chain (eg. Fair Trade) and choose certified products whenever you can.
Identify a social/environmental issue that your mission might contribute to solving and engage in philanthropy around it (time, money or in-kind). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.

If desired, explain your answers on this page.
You may want to document your answers or clarify why you checked or did not check a box.





Non-renewable Energy and Resources
Level 2: Innovator (need at least 2)
Buy green power for 100% of your electricity.
Generate at least 50% of power onsite from renewables.
At least half of the vehicles used for business run on alternative fuels (plug in charged with renewable electricity, biodiesel, fuel cell).
All vehicles are hybrids.
Reuse metals and/or minerals (upcycle or repurpose).

Level 2: Innovator (need at least 2)
Assess the chemicals you use and identify those you should no longer purchase or phase out, replacing them with safer alternatives. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Redesign your products or processes to use benign materials, replacing toxic/non-biodegradable chemicals. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Reduce use of plastics and recycle all plastics that are accepted by local recyclers that have at least an 80% recovery rate.
Choose environmentally preferable materials (eg, FSC certified paper products, purchase EPEAT (an electronics standard) certified electronics, organic cotton).

Level 2: Innovator (need at least 3)
Re-use water (eg, rainwater capture, gray water, reclaimed water). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Of the natural resources you use, purchase/produce at least 50% local and/or certified sustainable products. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Restore habitat in your area (eg, build a rain garden, restore brownfield, restore watershed). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Donate to conservation efforts to significantly mitigate your impacts. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.

Human Needs
Level 2: Innovator (need at least 3)
All employees earn living wage so that those who work 40 hours a week are not dependent on social services.
Have employee involvement programs that regularly involve employees in decisions about their work. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Assess work-life balance by discouraging employees' work during off-hours and on vacation. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Actively engage in community-building (eg, sharing-based community systems like tool libraries and time banks, buying local, collaborating with other organizations to improve the community, and making some of your assets like meeting rooms available to those in the community). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.
Create information and incentives for customers to make more sustainable choices. Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page.

If desired, explain your answers on this page.
You may want to document your answers or clarify why you checked or did not check a box.





Non-renewable Energy and Resources
Level 3: Fully Sustainable (need all)
Calculate your carbon footprint and take significant action to reduce it. Buy carbon offsets from a certified/third-party audited source for any remaining Scope 1-2 emissions (typically from heating/cooling, vehicles, electricity). Please submit your greenhouse gas inventory and carbon offsets.
Calculate your significant Scope 3 emissions associated with your operations (eg, airline travel, major purchases) and purchase carbon offsets.

Level 3: Fully Sustainable (need all)
Zero waste. Divert at least 90% of waste from landfill. Waste streams are sent to their next best use: upcycled, reused, recycled, composted or burned in a clean waste-to-energy combined heat-and-power plant.
Zero toxic emissions to air, water and soil. Eg, no fossil fuel use, no non-biodegradable chemicals, all products purchased and disposed are tied to the circular economy (composted, reused, recycled or upcycled).

Level 3: Fully Sustainable (need 2 out of 3)
Net zero water use; return all water to its source in the same condition or better (volume, purity and temperature).
Of the natural resources you use, purchase/produce at least 80% certified organic/sustainably produced and/or local.
The majority of your buildings qualify for LEED Platinum ( or the Living Building Challenge (

Human Needs
Level 3: Fully Sustainable (need 3)
Share a significant percentage of profits with all employees (eg, through profit-sharing/gainsharing). (Check this if you are a sole proprietor or one-person operation with no employees.)
Share decision-making with all employees, eg, through employee ownership and democratic practices (eg, in alignment with WorldBlu principles). (Check this if you are a sole proprietor or one-person operation with no employees.)
Assess all major suppliers for compliance regarding humanitarian/environmental concerns and commit to sourcing from responsible sources (eg, fair trade, employing disadvantaged populations, living wage/benefits).
Spend the equivalent of 5% or more of profits as community contribution (time, in-kind or $$$).

If desired, explain your answers on this page.
You may want to document your answers or clarify why you checked or did not check a box.





Survey Complete

Questions, Comments?
Let us know if you have other factors we should keep in mind that the survey didn't cover.

What do you plan to work on next to improve your sustainability performance?
Your answer may help us connect you with others working on the same issues or link you to resources.

Are there any of the following support services you'd like us to contact you about?
Let us help you.
Community engagement
Employee engagement
Sustainability planning/metrics/reporting

If you were just trying out this survey, you may exit when you like.

If you are beginning a certification process, you must first save this survey!


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