Non-renewable Energy and Resources Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 2) Purchase appliances and heating/cooling equipment that is significantly more energy efficient than the norm (eg. Energy Star). Conduct an energy audit on your facilities and implement cost-effective solutions (or get landlord to do it). Implement strategies to reduce miles traveled or fuel used per person or load (eg, carpooling, telework, backhauling, hybrid vehicles, logistics). Use metals and minerals that are from responsible sources (eg, avoiding conflict zones). Other:
Toxics Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 3) Use all green cleaning products and non-antibacterial soaps. Use benign methods to manage pests and use synthetic pesticides only as a last resort. Safely dispose of or recycle electronics, batteries, and motor oil. If you deal with hazardous materials, have an effective hazmat and safety program in place. Other:
Ecosystems Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 4) Install/use low flow fixtures and efficient irrigation. Assess your water use and implement cost-saving measures. Research sustainability-related certifications for products you buy and choose certified products whenever you can (eg, paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, fish certified by the Marine Stewardship Council or the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, or electronics certified by the Green Electronics Council). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page. Give preference to durable, reusable, and repairable items, avoiding single-use products. Change all outdoor lighting to be in compliance with International Dark-Sky Association guidelines and local regulations. (eg, replacing/removing lighting, directing the focus, changing the color spectrum, or adding controls like timers). Recycle paper, cans, and glass through a service that has at least an 80% recovery rate. Other:
Human Needs Level 1: Conservationist (need at least 3) Provide health benefits, paid vacation and personal time for all employees working more than 29 hrs/week avg. (Check this box if self-employed, with health coverage, and no employees.) Do employee satisfaction survey at least every 3 years to identify areas of concern and take action to address them. (Check this box if self-employed with no employees.) Encourage all employees to build their skills and knowledge (eg, through training, tuition reimbursements, special assignments and career advancement.) Encourage work/life balance (eg, by offering wellness and fitness behaviors, counseling, and flexibility to deal with personal emergencies and child/elder care.) Research labeling that protects the interests of workers and communities in your supply chain (eg. Fair Trade) and choose certified products whenever you can. Identify a social/environmental issue that your mission might contribute to solving and engage in philanthropy around it (time, money or in-kind). Please explain in the box at the bottom of this page. Other:
If desired, explain your answers on this page. You may want to document your answers or clarify why you checked or did not check a box.